work with leah


Dear Friend, If you have found yourself staring at this page, please don’t delay any longer. If you are in conflict in your home or with a loved one, your conflict is beckoning you to grow. Please take advantage of it. I assure you that growth is not possible without conflict, both internal and interrelational. And I have learned to trust that every rough patch is a gift. It is my honor to dedicate my life to the mission of helping you find your true, authentic, freedom. BOOK A BREAKTHROUGH and get on my schedule to discuss what you’re experiencing. Let’s get you on the road to relief.

EFT Pack

12 sessions

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT aka Tapping) is a highly effective mode of trauma healing. In peer-reviewed, double-blind studies, we see that 5 minutes of tapping lowers your cortisol levels significantly among other benefits. No matter your psychological or physical distress, EFT allows for ample possibility to soothe your nervous system and rewire your damaging beliefs, stories, and habits. This pack is for singles. If you’re in a couple and want private coaching, there are options to do so while working through The SPAR Method with your partner.

EFT Sessions are conducted remotely from the privacy of your home over Zoom.


SPAR is the unique method of conscious fighting and problem-solving philosophy Leah created for stuck, triggered, and inflamed, chronic fighters, families, and friends. SPAR repairs broken trust, deepens intimacy, and Trigger Trains(TM) partners to grow their thresholds for emotional pain, gaining real and lasting resilience in your relationship and allowing you to bring that resilience into the world. By taking full advantage of the conflict you’re avoiding, you quickly and effectively experience a night and day transformation in your relationship, in your home, and in your life.


SPAR plus

4 Weeks + Individual Coaching for 1 or 2

The most exciting aspect of SPAR and real, deep couples’ work, is how it adds gas to whatever you’re working to heal, grow, or change personally in your life. Since SPAR has the potential to bring stunning relationship clarity into view quickly, it brings personal clarity as well and this can be jarring. You may wish to have private attention during your SPAR intensive to work on things specific to each of you, and to manage what comes up in your post-SPAR integration. If one of you already has a coach, it’s of course possible to only use Individual coaching for 1.


Concierge Coach

On Demand

A personal protocol for your healing and transformation will be developed and you will work regularly with EFT and The SPAR Method when applicable. You will have full access to Leah, her methods, and her guidance.